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Virtual Sites - Are They the Future of RWE?


The adoption of virtual sites, that are powered by decentralized clinical trial tools, has increased exponentially in recent years. As adoption accelerates, so do the possibilities that virtual conduct enables.

In this video-on-demand, Dr. Shaalan Beg, VP of Oncology at Science 37, and Gordon Cummins, VP of RWE COE at Science 37, host a conversation with Applied Clinical Trials and a group of leaders to address challenges faced by the industry. The panel discusses how virtual sites can be implemented to improve real-world data access and long-term follow-up, as well as elaborates on the value virtual sites deliver to patients, sponsors, and CROs alike. Learn how virtual site elements are incorporated today, and how the landscape will change in the years to come.

Key points:

  • A discussion on the challenges the industry currently faces with RWE
  • A look at the latest approaches sponsors leverage for RWE
  • Use cases, study designs, and the value delivered to stakeholders

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