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New Data on the Future of CNS Clinical Trials


In this special webinar event, Science 37 presented the results of a new study that looks at how future trends in clinical research will affect the CNS (central nervous system) space.

It featured our in-house clinical experts in Neurology, Psychiatry, and Behavioral Science who explained the significance of the results and answered audience questions.

This notable presentation and discussion explored the following topics:

  • What types of CNS clinical trials sponsors and CROs have planned for the next 12 months vs. those executed in the past year (including Major Depressive Disorder, Schizophrenia, PTSD, Migraine, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, ADHD, and Seizures/Epilepsy.)
  • Which decentralized components have been, and will be, most important in CNS clinical trials.
  • What are the perceived benefits and challenges of using DCT approaches to execute CNS trials.
  • How sponsors have been and will be, using wearables and sensors in CNS trials.

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New research trends that are impacting CNS clinical trials. How decentralized and agile trials are changing the space. How wearables and sensors are being used in CNS trials


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